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world leading management & performance consultancy

Online training available



Corporate Culture

What that means today - how up-to-date are your corporate values? Are they aligned to your clients and staff?

Generational Culture

From Baby Boomers to Gen Z,

never the twain shall meet...Is that true? How do we weave a tapestry of experience which blends its human resource seamlessly?

Global Culture

Is it a global village or a global gloop? Do we even know who

we're talking to? Do we align our values to global expectations or

are we just guessing?

Client Culture

Who is your client? Do you get them? Do you respond accordingly? What's the big plan? Do you even have one?

Financial Culture

So who's got the money these days? And how do they like to spend it? And where? With whom? By what means? How do we make that easier and more attractive?

We've got the answers

With combined  experience of over 75 years, access to the latest research from across the globe and across all sectors, we're the leading experts in the field.

Make an appointment and

let's talk about you 

Workshop Anchor


The Cultural Intelligence Group was created by professionals working with the world's leading brands. 

From all continents and with 75 years of cultural intelligence between them, they're plugging the cultural intelligence gap.

They champion the Gen Z and Millennial mindsets while exalting Gen X experience and recognising that baby boomers are a law unto themselves.

Masters of cultural navigation, these are just some of the brands they've journeyed with.

Who We Are

Book a WOrkshop

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A three-day dive into cultural intelligence


In a diverse world, our age and upbringing is key to how we live our lives.

Join us to understand your employees, colleagues and customers, what makes them who they are and how you and your business can deliver the very best for them.

Who is it for?

All staff inc. new starters, graduates, interns, new managers, existing staff

Delivered by?

 FTSE25 leaders and lawyers

Per Person - 3 days





A three-day leadership masterclass

Learn how to understand and motivate your team to achieve world beating results.


From profiling to communication, we analyse you and your team to ensure you work cohesively and achieve the very best from each other.

Who is it for?

All supervisors and managers

Delivered by?

FTSE25 leaders and lawyers

Per Person - 3 days


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Understanding the Brits in 3 days

By the time we've finished you'll be fit for tea with the King and will never feel out of place in any situation.


We appreciate taking tea with the King might be unlikely but the confidence gained from this course will set you up for life with skills and knowledge you may never have known were important. 

Who is it for?

All diplomatic staff, support staff, newcomers to the UK, international business men and women

Delivered by?

FTSE25 leaders and lawyers

Per Person - 3 days





A must for any start up

From company set up, HR and employment basics to leadership and understanding your customer.

This course disseminates a lifetime of skills and knowledge into a four day intensive business masterclass.

Who is it for?

All start-ups

Delivered by?

FTSE25 leaders and lawyers

Per Person - 4 days




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